The boy’s basketball program at APBS is designed to promote and support love for basketball, it enhance players’ skills, and foster a positive environment of sportsmanship and teamwork.
The volleyball program at APBS includes passionate coaches and extremely dedicated athletes. The girls are looking forward to this upcoming season. Thank you for your continued support of girls’ volleyball.
NCA 1st Place winners of 2018-2019 at Daytona Beach. Our purpose is to inspire young women to be confident, caring, and good teammates while promoting a healthy lifestyle.
Your children will have the opportunity to learn: Introduction to music, harmony and ukulele at the lower levels. At the middle school and high school levels we offer guitar, piano, bass and percussion classes as part of the school day.
Kids experiment with color, form, line, shape, texture and value and make use of such creative art materials as bamboo brushes, molding compounds, wire, oil pastels and more. Our art lessons help children build cognitive skills.